All rights reserved. ' Grunt Farter' and copyright 2020. Grunt Farter and is a protected term and company name as well as a trade mark and active brand for products and services. All of the content including images, concepts, characters and video are the property of B Harland. Use of any of our content must be agreed with us in written contract. Unauthorised use of any of our content, by which we refer to any information, video or image displayed on this site, will be subject to legal action and presecution will be persued. All requests for lincensing must be recieved in the first instance to us in written form stating purpose for intended use. Any use or misuse or activity or use of any kind that we deem to detract from or weaken and/or damage our brand or content will be deemed a breach of the terms of this site and is prohibited and will prompt legal action, the pursuit of prosecution and damages. If you are in any doubt as to your responsibilies as a user or visitor to this site, please request a full guide to our terms and conditions. Our rules, terms and restrictions are subject to UK and overseas copyright and intelectual laws and all relevant laws be it local and international. For a full list of terms and restrictions relating to your country of use please request a guide to our international terms and conditions. B Harland reserves all rights in perpetuity to his creations and ideas as well as any other content displayed or used on this site as an expression of his art and artistic output. Any of the property of B Harland on this site, remaims the property of B Harland when displayed or used anywhere else.